How is it 2023 already?

Well, I guess it was another year of no code blogging. As with my last post, which I just re-read, I didn’t do much for my personal projects (or at least, I didn’t finish any… I can’t be the only one with a million WIPs that never get finished). And again, I’m in yet another new role!

In terms of code accomplishments, I would say the majority are actually “side projects” that I did at work but weren’t relevant to my day job. Specifically, I spent a lot of time re-learning R Shiny and made some pretty sweet dashboards, if I do say so myself. I’m actually using some of that knowledge for a personal project right now – I’m hoping I actually get that done so I can blog about it!

Anyway, job rambling under the cut:

My last job seemed promising (I sound so naive in my last post) but man did it ever crash and burn. You know how they say people don’t leave bad jobs, they leave bad managers? Yeah. That was me. I would’ve probably been happier had I stayed and learned how the hell web dev worked. I was extremely competent at what they wanted me to do, but it also still wasn’t data science.

Plus, I didn’t do any talks last year, which was probably one of my biggest disappointments. I think getting halfway through the year and realizing it just wasn’t going to happen was when it hit me that the job wasn’t the right spot for me. I’m an introvert and I hate talking to people, but I am good at doing talks and I like sharing knowledge! And doing talks is good for the career!

So once again, I am optimistic that my new role will be more fulfilling. I’m willing to do a lot of non-data-science bullshit, but I just don’t want to dread opening my laptop every morning. So far so good? It’s much better aligned to my interests, the manager came highly recommended by multiple people, and a colleague from this team actually tried to recruit me last year around this time but for obvious reasons, I couldn’t do anything.

So far, I’m the one yelling about code reusability and “why aren’t we using GitHub?!?!?!” which is… interesting, since I’m not a real developer. But I am on the product team, so I guess it works?

Once again, I hope that we can only go up from here, but I ended my last post on the same note, and it definitely went way, way, waaaay down. I guess at least I really learned how to compartmentalize work and personal lives, and I got very good at closing my laptop at 5pm?
