Iman Codes


Well, I guess it was another year of no code blogging. As with my last post, which I just re-read, I didn’t do much for my personal projects (or at least, I didn’t finish any… I can’t be the only one with a million WIPs that never get finished). And again, I’m in yet another new role!

In terms of code accomplishments, I would say the majority are actually “side projects” that I did at work but weren’t relevant to my day job. Specifically, I spent a lot of time re-learning R Shiny and made some pretty sweet dashboards, if I do say so myself. I’m actually using some of that knowledge for a personal project right now – I’m hoping I actually get that done so I can blog about it!

Anyway, job rambling under the cut:


It's 2022, and I feel like everyone is just tired. I haven't been code-blogging as much because it feels like most of my personal code projects (and well, just about every kind of personal project) fell to the wayside as I focused (or more accurately, hyper-fixated) on the continuous impending feeling of doom as our governments and leaders prioritize the nebulous “economy” instead of human lives (which, surprise, fuel the economy! you don't get an economy if all the humans are dead!).

But this is a code blog and this is a new year post, so let's instead talk about my various accomplishments from 2021 instead.

Last year, code-wise, I:

  • started this blog!
  • did the 2021 WiDS datathon!
  • got reorged into a new role, and then found me a new role that is better suited to my strengths and capabilities
  • played around with Django
  • started working on spaced repetition system for my Korean learning for funsies, which ended up being more a “how to learn to make GUIs” than actually learning any Korean
  • did two talks at work, Linguistics 101 for NLPers and one about lessons learned when productionizing the 7 models that my team built

I guess this is a pretty okay list. I could've done more, I could've done less, but I got through 2021, and one could consider than the greatest achievement, so... I'm happy about it.


I try to tag my posts, and here they are, with a description of what they should contain:

#datascience > as a data scientist, I do the data science-y things on a regular basis

#meta > it's about this blog itself, or maybe about me, idk

#css > it's about CSS, and probably about the blog style

#wids2021 > Women in Data Science 2021: all about the conference and the datathon

I was casually browsing domain names and came across, well, Of course I thought, “well isn't this perfect for all that coding I do in my personal time?”

... yeah.

Well, I bought the domain name and set up the blog, so let's see about that coding in my personal time! There's a lot of stuff I've been meaning to take a closer look at, and hopefully this will give me more incentive to do it.
