Iman Codes


Might be a little silly to have a blog post about implementing comments on WriteAs when this blog itself doesn’t have comments implemented, but I thought I’d put it up here anyway. I have no idea how Javascript works so I only managed to get comments up on my personal blog thanks to various resources, specifically by Dino.

But, it's code and should probably go up on the code blog!

I wanted a lightweight, privacy-focused commenting system and didn't want to wait for to be open for non-paying users. Also, I didn't want to pay through the nose for a system that will probably get like, 2 comments total over the lifetime of my blog. Plus I didn't want to host it myself, because it'd probably be more of a hassle than it's worth!

I tried out a couple options that were recommended on the discussion forums but in the end, I went with Talkyard.


I try to tag my posts, and here they are, with a description of what they should contain:

#datascience > as a data scientist, I do the data science-y things on a regular basis

#meta > it's about this blog itself, or maybe about me, idk

#css > it's about CSS, and probably about the blog style

#wids2021 > Women in Data Science 2021: all about the conference and the datathon

If you consider website-making to be coding (and really, you should!), I've been coding since like... grade 3? which was in the 90's. I was a teeny child, making an AngelFire website, complete with Pokémon gifs. Specifically, this one:

Pikachu under construction gif

Of course, there were other gifs as well. It was a) the era, and b) come on, I was like 9.

Anyway, I've been going back to my roots and playing with the CSS here, aka “stealing” code from elsewhere to make my site look half-decent haha.